Coach the Whole Person | Co-Active Coaching Techniques

True fulfillment comes from aligning all aspects of our being. That’s why Co-Active Coaching focuses on the interconnectedness of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves. At Co-Active, we champion people being fully present and expressing their unique values, purpose, and vision — and we want to show you how to do it, too.

Explore Coach Training With Co-Active Now 

The First Co-Active Coaching Cornerstone 

In Co-Active Coaching, one of the four cornerstones of our Co-Active Model is to coach the whole person. There are two main ways coaches can hold this focus: 

Engaging the Whole Self in Coaching 

First, Co-Active coaches invite clients to involve their mind, body, emotions, and spirit/soul in the growth process. Co-Active uses tools, skills, and methods to help clients reach beyond the analytical mind. In both business and everyday life, most people tend to be overly reliant on their thoughts and less engaged with their intuition and intelligence. 

Rather than trying to figure things out only mentally, Co-Active Coaching engages the senses, creativity, lived experience, somatic wisdom/embodiment, intuition, present-moment awareness, visualizations and visioning, the expression of emotions, and experiential learning.   

Our coaches consider every part of their clients’ wise, creative, or intuitive selves. This approach is eye-opening, particularly for people who spend most of their time thinking and solving problems and less time utilizing other forms of wisdom.

Considering the Whole Picture 

Second, we coach the client’s whole life, meaning all topics are on the table. While people often come to coaching with specific areas of focus (for example, leadership skills, career goals, or health goals), Co-Active Coaching allows space for how this topic fits more broadly into the client’s life.

The Holistic Approach to Life Challenges 

Someone climbing the corporate ladder and working long hours may find their relationships impacted by their work or struggle to find time for self-care, go to the gym, or focus on hobbies. Rather than considering those topics off-limits in an executive coaching relationship, Co-Active coaches take a more holistic approach, knowing that the client’s whole personhood is even greater than the sum of its parts. 

People are more than their roles, circumstances, titles, and history; Co-active coaches include everything. Well-being, fulfillment, alignment with self, relationships, and community are critical components of a well-lived life. 

Focusing on the Person, Not the Problem 

Life throws curveballs. When clients come to us for executive coaching, they may also be experiencing unexpected life circumstances, like issues with children, parents, or pets, or celebrations like a job promotion or closing on a house. Ups and downs are inevitable. 

Rather than the coach avoiding those topics, they can consider them in the coaching sessions and relationships. While clients can choose their primary focus for each session, Co-active coaches understand the extenuating circumstances and use a range of skills to meet each person right where they are. Clients who receive coaching like this tend to become more vibrant in all aspects of their lives.

Rather than problem-solving, the coach can focus on curiosity about the person. Some of the questions they may use to help them explore include:

  • What matters to you about this topic?  
  • What are you longing for?  
  • How does this fit into the longer arc of your life?  
  • Who are you related to this topic?  
  • How do you want to think about this?
  • How do you want to feel about this?
  • What are you making this mean about you?
  • What do you notice as you explore this?
  • What does your heart say?   

Rather than offering solutions, the coach stays present, open, and curious. Clients explore freely and arrive at their own conclusions through self-discovery but with coach support.

Embrace a Whole-Person Approach With Co-Active Coaching

Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals is the first coaching course in the Co-Active Coach Training series, focused on experiential participation. If you want to improve your ability to communicate in a whole person–focused, holistic way with clients, colleagues, and people who report to you directly, this course is for you. 

Sign up for Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals today.

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