Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

woman standing in front of clapping group

What Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, and Wholeness Mean to Co-Active Training Institute

CTI is driven by the core belief that people are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. Our work, the model and philosophy of Co-Active, insists that you be more of who you are. We believe that the purpose of equity, inclusion, diversity, and wholeness (EIDW) is to influence systems and create the conditions for everyone to experience freedom and fullness.

woman standing in front of clapping group

From the very beginning, the Co-Active Training Institute has been a catalyst for change.

Our work is designed to support a new kind of relationship with yourself, others, and the systems you’re part of. These relationships are built on curiosity, empowerment, and responsibility for impact. We believe that everyone has the capacity to effect change in their world, and sometimes it’s the systems that need to be disrupted. Co-Active is a powerful tool for framing the conversations about equity in a way that empowers individuals to create from — and with — others.

In the spirit of equity, we also believe it’s important to make our learning more accessible to people from underrepresented backgrounds and those who face barriers to personal and professional growth. We offer fully and partially funded scholarships that provide opportunities for people to benefit from Co-Active learning AND make a difference in the lives and communities they touch. We have been on a continuous journey to train our faculty members in intercultural awareness and review the content of our courses through the lens of lived experience and identity. We want our course rooms to enable freedom and fullness for all, and we’re committed to leading in this space with our learning content and faculty expertise.

As an organization, we are not just talking about diversity, equity, and inclusion; we are taking active accountability for the impact we have in the world. We recognize that there are gaps between our intentions and our impact, and we are committed to closing these gaps. Our priority is to create change within our own system and in the systems we can influence.

Everyone Has Influence.
How Are You Shaping Yours?


FREE Leadership Workshop ($1200 value)

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  1. Add to cart: Coach Training Bundle and attend your Fundamentals Course in September.
  2. Add to cart: Co-Active Leadership Workshop and attend before March 31, 2025.
  3. Apply Promo Code: FREECLE to Co-Active Leadership Workshop in your cart
*Both the Coach Training Pathway Bundle and Co-Active Leadership Workshop must be added to your cart to apply FREE Leadership Workshop promo. Questions? Speak to an Advisor