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Let's create a new language of leadership, together!

For the last 30 years the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. Now we are creating a new language of leadership. Let's do this together. 

Co-Active Blog

Co-Active Blog

Experienced coach explaining how to start a successful coaching career to a peer

Discover the essential steps to starting a successful coaching career. Learn how to commit, get training, and market your coaching business effectively.

Man leaving office waving

An often-overlooked aspect of good leadership is knowing when it's time to relinquish the role. In this article, former CTI co-CEO Carlo Bos shares 7 qualities that help leaders know when to take hold of leadership and when to bow out.

Person standing with arms outstretched towards the sky, symbolizing freedom, empowerment, and the practice of inclusion.

Learn how to disarm your inner saboteurs and embrace inclusion as a practice. Discover strategies to integrate these voices for personal and professional growth.

Woman with arms open in bright yellow shirt

This year, for International Coaching Week, we organized a two-day event that served both aspiring coaches and seasoned professionals. The event was a resounding success, with attendees gaining valuable insights, connections, and inspiration. Read...

Two men building trust in their coaching relationship

Explore essential strategies to build trust in coaching relationships, fostering a safe space for personal growth and empowering client success.

A man sitting at the edge of a cave during sunset, embodying the essence of being more and doing less

Discover the power of being over doing in this exploration of life's essence. Learn how to cultivate presence, deepen relationships, and enhance well-being.

Woman walks on a misty road to unknown destination

In this article, Carlo Bos talks about a Co-Active leader's response to the complexity and uncertainty of our world and how embracing mystery helps us co-lead with events as they unfold in our lives.

A man contemplating when to quit his day job

Explore the strategic steps to transition from your day job to a fulfilling coaching career with expert guidance and real-life insights from Co-Active.

Confident businesswoman in a room of aspiring entrepreneurs learning about starting a coaching business

Discover your coaching business potential with Co-Active. Get insider tips, resources, and free tools to kick-start your entrepreneurial journey.

Person leading another by hand in a sunlit forest, symbolizing guidance in future leadership coaching.

Discover how the business world’s evolving demands are shaping the future of leadership. Explore key trends and tips for adopting a coaching approach.

A young, green sapling sprouting from the center of a weathered tree stump, symbolizing new growth and resilience amid adversity

Discover how to transform adversity into a narrative of resilience and opportunity. Learn strategies for reframing your life’s story to find purpose and strength.

A young woman smiling contentedly with her eyes closed and face turned towards the sunlight, embodying the balance and harmony of holistic coaching in nature

Discover the transformative power of holistic coaching with our Co-Active approach. Dive into a coaching style that nurtures all aspects of your being.

A person meditating outside during sunrise, embodying the serene energy and transformative potential of the coaching environment

Explore how the coaching environment shapes session dynamics and client outcomes. Unleash the transformative power of place in your coaching practice.

Charly cox talking about Climate Coaching

We speak to Co-Active coach and co-founder of the Climate Change Coaches, Charly Cox, about the emerging field of climate change coaching and how coaches can navigate this topic with their clients.

  • CTI
  • March 14, 2024
Confident leader standing in office space and embodying effective leadership

Explore 5 ways to build leadership capacity with our 5 key strategies, including reflection, building relationships, visualization, feedback, and love in leadership.


Which professional coaching framework is right for you? Learn more about common coaching models and how to choose the best model for your coaching program!

  • CTI
  • February 29, 2024

As we make our way on the journey of expanding our capacity around equity, inclusion, diversity, and wholeness (EIDW), we want to be responsible — in a continuous loop of shaping our world and being shaped by our world — and we want to close...

  • CTI
  • February 22, 2024
Professional life coach with client

Is ICF coaching certification worth it? Discover the five reasons to become a certified coach and how attaining ICF certification will set you up for success!

  • CTI
  • February 15, 2024
Enthusiastic employees engaged in a lively discussion, highlighting the importance of workplace relationships

Learn how leaders can prioritize relationships to improve employee engagement in the workplace. Dive into research-backed insights and real-life examples.

Enthusiastic employees engaged in a lively discussion, highlighting the importance of workplace relationships

Learn how leaders can prioritize relationships to improve employee engagement in the workplace. Dive into research-backed insights and real-life examples.

A brightly lit lightbulb hangs over a group of focused professionals, symbolizing relational leadership in the workplace.

Learn how coaching leadership fosters resilience and growth in the workplace. Empower HR leaders to create a culture of empathy and self-care for thriving teams.

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