Begin Your Journey

Let's create a new language of leadership, together!

For the last 30 years the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. Now we are creating a new language of leadership. Let's do this together. 

Co-Active Blog

Co-Active Blog

Forest Path

Our Co-Active Leadership Program helps to transform lives and introduce a whole new way of leading. It's back after a 3-year pause and is ready to send growth-oriented leaders on an adventure of self-discovery!

  • CTI
  • May 17, 2023

Explore the transformative power of personal development, deep integrity, and time in coaching. Discover how who you are shapes your coaching impact.

wooden male figure climbing steps to building a coaching business

Learn how to build a successful coaching business with this guide, covering the four stages of Coach in Training, Startup, Sustainable Success & Legacy.

family running in a forest

Are you using Co-Active coaching at home? Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of using the Co-Active coach-approach with your kids with these helpful tips!

a pair of headphones around wooden blocks that spell “LISTEN” and “LEARN”

Learn about how presence can be a powerful tool that can help coaches and leaders to be more effective, impactful, and become better decision-makers.

A team of highly engaged employees joining hands

Discover 5 ways to improve employee experience & engagement using a human-centric coach approach. Managers can focus on career development, care, and more.

A team of people discussing how to lead in difficult times

Learn to coach your team through complexity with co-active skills. Capitalize on team strengths, ask powerful questions, and take multiple perspectives.

close-up of two people discussing the differences between coaching types

Learn about the main differences between executive, leadership, and business coaching in this informative article by Co-Active Training Institute.

Deaf coach meeting with a client on the computer

In this powerful blog post, a deaf coach shares her personal journey of losing her hearing and how it transformed her coaching and listening skills.

Woman learning about Co-Active leadership training

Implementing coaching into your leadership practice will help keep your operating system up to date at every stage of growth. Learn more with Co-Active.

A group of people holding hands looking into the sunset

Leadership coaching has become more and more of an essential skill as society evolves. Learn why from the experts at Co-Active Training Institute.

Carey Baker and Carlo Bos Co-CEOs

Effective April 7th, CTI’s office of the CEO is moving from Co-Leadership to a single leader. Carlo Bos will be stepping down and Carey Baker will remain at CTI in the role of CEO. In this video Carey and Carlo describe the background to the decision,...

  • CTI
  • March 16, 2023
female life coach in an office setting wearing a headset for a meeting

For life coach Abigail Morgan Prout, becoming a life coach transformed everything in her life in ways she didn't expect. Read her life coaching journey here.

Digital Transformation

Discover true leadership beyond the traditional definition. Join Co-Active in leading with purpose and inspiring success in this new era of transformation.

  • CTI
  • March 06, 2023
hiker looking through a telescope at the top of a mountain during sunset

The idea that only some people can be leaders is a misconception many people hold. Read more about why leadership skills are important for everyone.

two women looking at a computer researching about becoming a life coach

Are you thinking about becoming a life coach this year? Start your life coach journey by learning these three reasons to pursue a life coaching career.

Unlocking potential image

We want to help people become "co-active," but what does it mean? More importantly, how does one become "co-active"? We're here to help you discover just that.

  • CTI
  • February 24, 2023
discomfort zones blog image

Learn more about how getting into a discomfort zone as a leader can actually help support your team and improve team performance. Read the article here.

leadership program blog image

A good leadership development program helps companies create a tight-knit team where each team member and leader knows their role and can perform it well, contributing to increased productivity, profits, and overall success. Because of these positive...

  • CTI
  • January 05, 2023
inclusive leadership blog image

Unleash the power of metaphors in Co-Active coaching! Express complex ideas effortlessly and ignite both sides of your brain for transformative results.

feminine leadership blog image

Differentiating between masculine and feminine leadership qualities can be sticky, tricky, and full of hidden landmines. As American philosopher, Ken Wilber so aptly puts it, “To fully integrate, we must first differentiate.” Simply put, to...

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